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The Earth Cries

The Earth cries

The Earth is angry she is tearing apart

She cries knowing we have gone to far

Earth remembers the whispers of joy, the beauty of ages

Disappearing the prayers of our Grandmothers

Disappearing the cries of hope She sleeps to watch chaos melt her

Earth explodes as existence dies

You broke our trust

You used and used our love

You took everything then cried when nothing was left for you

You die.

We die

Survivors will begin again I will forgive We will and have begun again and again

Remember your Grandmothers

Remember the cries Remember the death

Silence ends

Pause remember

Begin again

Echo's, distress tear through the ages remembering torn lives

Deeper we are led searching

Hearts in shallow dreams

The Earth is angry, she cries She cries

Watching, hearing the cries of lives lost We see, we hear, we cry forgive us

Forgive our greed

Forgive the lust for more


Earth is angry

Earth cries

Kalina Bains

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